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- 4 gosub700
- 5 poke53280,14:poke53281,14:printchr$(142)""
- 10 print"[149][147][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184]"
- 20 print" [144] ** alien invaders ** "
- 21 print" j - left k - fire l - right "
- 22 print" q - quit "
- 23 forx=1to2000:geta$:ifa$<>""thenx=2000
- 24 next:x=0
- 34 print" "
- 35 print" [144]hits: 0 "
- 100 print"[164][175][162][184][163][163][184][184][183][163][163][184][146][162][185][175][164][164]"
- 104 print""
- 105 ta$="[144] [194] [157][157][157][157][157] [164] [146][164] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [167][215][215][215][215][165] "
- 110 al$=" <-> ":ex$="[145][205][194][206][157][157][157][195] [195][157][157][157][206][194][205]"
- 115 hi$=""
- 120 y=20:bo$=" [157][157][209]"
- 125 sh$=" [177][157] "
- 200 print""tab(34)"[149][169] [223][145][157][157][157][157] [145][157][157][157] [223][145][157][157][157] [146]";
- 201 print"[157][157][157][157][145][223] [146][169][145][157][157][157][157][157][157] [145][157][157][157][157][157][157][169] [223]"
- 203 bm=22:gosub516:print""tab(x)hh$" "
- 204 z=int(rnd(1)*12+4):ifz=3then204
- 205 di=int(rnd(1)*2+1)
- 206 hh$=left$(hi$,z)
- 210 ifdi=1then forx=1to35step.5:goto220
- 215 forx=35to1step-.5
- 220 print""tab(x)hh$;al$
- 225 print""tab(y)""ta$
- 230 geta$:ifa$=""thena$=b$
- 231 ifb$<>"j"andb$<>"k"andb$<>"l"andb$<>"q"thenpokem-3,32:pokem-10,32:pokem+10,.
- 232 ifa$="q"then800
- 233 ifa$="k"thena$=b$:z$="k":goto240
- 235 b$=a$
- 240 ifa$="j"theny=y-1:pokem+10,15:pokem-3,33:pokem-10,33
- 241 ifa$="l"theny=y+1:pokem+10,15:pokem-3,33:pokem-10,33
- 243 ifz$="k"thenz$="^":gosub 300:rem shoot
- 244 ify<2theny=2
- 245 ify>27theny=27
- 246 ifsh=1thengosub300
- 247 iftw=1thentw=0:goto200
- 248 gosub500
- 250 next
- 260 goto200
- 300 rem shoot
- 301 if sh=1then304
- 302 sh=1:v=y:v=v+2
- 303 w=21
- 304 w=w-1:ifw=3thenprint""tab(v)hg$" ":w=1:goto315
- 305 hg$=left$(hi$,w)
- 310 print""tab(v)hg$;sh$
- 315 ifw=1thensh=0:print" "
- 316 ifhg$=hh$thengosub400:rem hitmaybe
- 320 return
- 400 rem hm
- 404 x=int(x+.5):v=int(v+.5)
- 405 ifv<x+2.5andv>x-1.5then410
- 406 return:tw=0
- 410 print""tab(x)hh$;ex$:fortm=1to100:next
- 411 print""tab(x)hh$;"[157][145] [157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157] ":sh=0:ts=ts+1
- 412 print"[144]"tab(24)"hits:"ts
- 415 tw=1:bm=22:gosub516:pokem+4,17:pokem+10,15:pokem+4,16:return
- 500 rem ashot
- 502 ifbs=1then510
- 504 xx=int(rnd(1)*10+2)
- 506 ifxx=5then508
- 507 return
- 508 bs=1:bm=z
- 510 bm=bm+1:bm$=left$(hi$,bm)
- 512 print""tab(x)bm$;bo$
- 514 gosub600:rem hit tankmb
- 516 if bm=22thenbs=0:print""tab(x)bm$;" "
- 520 return
- 600 rem hitttank mb
- 605 ifbm>20and(x=yorx=y+1orx=y+2orx=y+3orx=y+4) then610
- 608 return
- 610 geta$:ifa$<>""then610
- 611 print""tab(y+1)"[169][169][169][169]"
- 612 forx=1to100:next
- 613 print""tab(y+1)"[223][223][223][223]"
- 614 forx=1to100:next
- 615 print"[144] you have been hit!"
- 616 print" your final score is"ts
- 618 print" press space to play again."
- 619 print" press q to quit."
- 620 geta$:ifa$<>" "anda$<>"q"then611
- 622 ifa$="q"then800
- 630 run
- 700 forj=54272to54296:pokej,.:next
- 710 m=54272:pokem+1,1:pokem+3,8:pokem+5,0:pokem+6,90:pokem+4,33
- 720 m=54279:pokem+1,2:pokem+3,8:pokem+5,0:pokem+6,90:pokem+4,33
- 730 m=54286:pokem+1,25:pokem+3,8:pokem+5,12:pokem+6,90:pokem+4,16
- 750 return
- 800 poke54296,0:poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 805 fori=8to9:open15,i,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 810 ifer=63thendv=i:i=9:next:goto830
- 820 next:print"[147]":end
- 830 poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)","dv
- 840 print"run"
- 850 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:invaders 100":close15:save"invaders 100",8:end